Archive for August, 2007


Monday, August 20th, 2007
Despite a concerted effort by the Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG) over the past eighteen months to promote the tourism attributes of the Jimna State Forest and Conondale National Park region, it is indeed disappointing to note that the recently launched Great Bunya Drive tourism project has omitted the main access road to the vast off road/forest recreation area north of Kilcoy, which has, in the eyes of a visitor, effectively relegated the majority of Kilcoy Shire into a tourism black spot. The Great Bunya Drive map, which can be seen via , shows the main route traversing from Toowoomba to Gympie, with numerous relatively minor roads feeding into it from all directions, as well as major arterial roads and highways, excepting the “Kilcoy/Murgon road” and subsequent connections to the Sunshine Coast via Kenilworth.
The Great Bunya Drive is an Australian Government funded initiative, administered by Fraser Coast South Burnett Tourism (FCSBT), in conjunction with Tourism Queensland, which receives input from every Local Shire Council, including the Kilcoy Shire Council.
It is inconceivable that local government representation was unable to ensure the inclusion of a DESIGNATED HIGHWAY, which services Landcruiser Mountain Park, arguably the largest 4WD complex in Australia, the extremely popular Peach Trees Camping Reserve, the iconic Jimna Fire Tower, as well as providing access to the emerging Forest Recreation playground of South East Queensland. JFTAG can only hope that closer and more proactive future liaison with (FCSBT), will see the inclusion of Kilcoy/Murgon Road and Sunday Creek road in the next tourist brochure print run, therefore enhancing the future tourism prospects of Kilcoy Shire, and the Jimna Fire Tower.
THE BIG CAMP OUT AT PEACH TREES CAMPING RESERVE is set to provide an opportunity for visitors and supporters of the Jimna Fire Tower, to either enjoy a relaxing camping experience at Jimna, or to take a lazy day excursion into the high country. Whatever your preference,the weekend of 28th 29th & 30th of September 07 has been nominated for camping enthusiasts to secure campsite bookings online


Monday, August 6th, 2007

The amalgamation of the Kilcoy and Esk shires, to form the new Somerset Regional Shire, brings new hope for the preservation of the Heritage listed Jimna Fire Tower. With the prospect of being represented by a stronger council, the Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG) is looking forward, with reinvigorated optimism, to capitalising on the rapport which has been fostered with relevant State Government departments since the public campaign to save the tower began in early 2006. JFTAG recognises that the primary aim of the amalgamation process is to ensure that the big issues involving planning and development of our fast growing South East Queensland is not hamstrung by a local government which does not have the capacity to take the drivers seat and move these matters forward.

MANY THANKS TO THE BRISBANE VALLEY TOURISM  ASSN. INC (BVTAI) for the invitation to share their tourist information booth at last weekends Esk Multicultural Festival. If the hospitality extended, and the embracing enthusiasm exhibited is any indication of the willingness to work together for the promotion of tourism, then JFTAG is confident that a compatible and harmonious relationship has already been established.

GOLD, PASTORAL, TIMBER, AND CULTURE, both European and indigenous, are but a few of the common historical links that will bind the rural communities of this newly formed catchment shire,which now takes in the whole of somerset dam and ninety percent of the watershed from the Jimna/Conondale ranges. The redevelopment of the Jimna Fire Tower into a ‘must visit’ tourist destination surely represents a valuable addition to the diverse attractions surrounding the valley of the lakes and within the new Somerset Regional Shire.